Fiscal Host: Open Source Collective
Supporting the development of Chucker - An HTTP inspector for Android & OkHTTP (like Charles but on device)

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Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
GitHub Sponsors
$782.07 USD since Jan 2022
Chucker is all of us
Our contributors 3
Thank you for supporting Chucker.

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from GitHub Sponsors to Chucker •
Added funds #842283
Credit from GitHub Sponsors to Chucker •
Added funds #834806
-$12.18 USD
Today’s balance$211.63 USD
Total raised
$703.86 USD
Total disbursed
$492.23 USD
Estimated annual budget
$84.00 USD

Chucker simplifies the inspection of HTTP(S) requests/responses fired by your Android App. Chucker works as an OkHttp Interceptor persisting all those events inside your application, and providing a UI for inspecting and sharing their content.
Apps using Chucker will display a push notification showing a summary of ongoing HTTP activity. Tapping on the notification launches the full Chucker UI. Apps can optionally suppress the notification, and launch the Chucker UI directly from within their own interface.
Our team
Volodymyr Bub...