Citizen Spring
Fiscal Host: Citizen Spring
Movement of citizens who take their future into their hands 🌱🤗🌍
Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
One-time contribution
Help us organise people assemblies online to bring society together again Read more
Starts at
€5 EUR
Citizen Spring is hosting the following events.
Past event
06:00 PM-08:00 PM UTC
Top financial contributors
Donations not registered on OC
€500 EUR since Jun 2021
Yves Gosselain
€10 EUR since May 2020
Timothée Steinmetz
€10 EUR since May 2020
€7 EUR since May 2021
Citizen Spring is all of us
Our contributors 9
Thank you for supporting Citizen Spring.
Xavier Damman
Leen Schelfhout
Nele Coen
Donations not...
€500 EUR
People assemb...
€63 EUR
Timothée Stei...
People Assembly
€10 EUR
€7 EUR
Transparent and open finances.
Credit from DAO Brussels to Citizen Spring •
-€123.82 EUR
Contribution #531733
Today’s balance€8.59 EUR
Total raised
€582.41 EUR
Total disbursed
€573.82 EUR
Estimated annual budget
--.-- EUR
Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Citizen Spring
Updates on our activities and progress.
People assembly - Bitcoin: climate change or system change?
Last week our people assembly on Bitcoin: climate change or system change took place. Here you can find a...
Published on May 10, 2021 by Leen Schelfhout
Movement of citizens who take their future into their hands. Take initiatives, don't wait for permission, and reconnect with one another 🤗 face and with nature 🌱
We need to offer alternatives to our current political, economic, education system, one citizen initiative at a time.
We need to offer alternatives to our current political, economic, education system, one citizen initiative at a time.
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"The future is already here. It's just not evenly distributed yet" - somebody famous.
In the face of the climate emergency, we need to change the way we live and work. We need to embrace a much more sustainable future not only for the environment but also for our communities.
The solutions are already in front of us: participative democracy, zero waste, local and circular economy, permaculture, micromobility, … But they are still underground.
Citizen Spring is about emerging from that ground. Going to the surface. Together. 🌱