Open Collective
Open Collective

Finance @ CAST

Total amount contributed

€1,680.66 EUR



Transparent and open finances.

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-€1,000.00 EUR
Contribution #793509
↑ Total contributed

€1,680.66 EUR

↓ Total received with expenses

€1,000.00 EUR


Wir sind Climate Action South Tyrol, ein Bündnis von Aktivist*innen und > 70 Gruppen, Verbänden & Vereinen die für Klimaschutz, Klimaresilienz und eine gerechte Gesellschaft in Aktion treten.

Siamo Climate Action Alto Adige, un'alleanza di attivisti e > 70 gruppi, organizzazioni e associazioni che si attivano per la protezione del clima, la resilienza climatica e una società giusta.

We are Climate Action South Tyrol, an alliance of activists and > 70 groups, organisations and associations that are taking action for climate protection, climate resilience and a just society.