Open Collective
Open Collective

Climate Action South Tyrol has been archived.

Climate Action South Tyrol has been archived and is no longer active.

Climate Action South Tyrol

Wir sind ein Bündnis von Aktivist*innen und > 60 Gruppen die für Klimaschutz und eine gerechte Gesellschaft in Aktion treten. | Siamo un’alleanza di attivistǝ ed oltre 60 gruppi che agiscono per la protezione del clima ed una società equa.


Climate Action South Tyrol is all of us

Our contributors 3

Thank you for supporting Climate Action South Tyrol.

David Hofmann

Regelmäßige Spende | Donazi...

€100 EUR

Johannes Engl

Regelmäßige Spende | Donazi...

€100 EUR


Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #711684
Contribution #711772
Today’s balance

--.-- EUR

Total raised

€191.40 EUR

Total disbursed

€191.40 EUR

Estimated annual budget

€140.00 EUR


Wir sind Climate Action South Tyrol, ein Bündnis von Aktivist*innen und > 70 Gruppen, Verbänden & Vereinen die für Klimaschutz, Klimaresilienz und eine gerechte Gesellschaft in Aktion treten.

Siamo Climate Action Alto Adige, un'alleanza di attivisti e > 70 gruppi, organizzazioni e associazioni che si attivano per la protezione del clima, la resilienza climatica e una società giusta.

We are Climate Action South Tyrol, an alliance of activists and > 70 groups, organisations and associations that are taking action for climate protection, climate resilience and a just society.

Our team