- Pizza receipt from vendor
- Picture of organizer presenting Cloudflare slides to the meetup group
- If the group meets the mission for the meetups, the group should proceed to schedule their meetup and pull the Cloudflare Introductory Slides ahead of time. There are several slides, but groups can pick which group of slides most applies to their group. For example, A JavaScript meetup should use the “JavaScript + front end meetups” slides.Â
- Present the Cloudflare Introductory Slides at the beginning of the event AND take a photo of the group in front of the Cloudflare logo.Â
- Someone from the group then must Tweet the photo @Cloudflare, so we can retweet.Â
- Submit through Open Collective AND the post-event form within 60 days of the date of the expense. The expense must have the original receipt from the vendor attached.
For more information on our rules, check out this google doc.
Our team

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Mabin to Cloudflare Collective •
Vault and Terraform for Absolute Beginners: A DevOps Engineer's Starting Point Meetup
Credit from Mabin to Cloudflare Collective •
$3,446.54 USD
$62,256.81 USD
$58,810.27 USD
$60.00 USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Cloudflare Collective
Updates on our activities and progress.
Update: Revamping our page!
Reminder: To be approved, you must fill out a post-event form
Update: We're re-vamping our collective and adding additional additional funds!

Become a financial contributor.
Cloudflare Collective is all of us
Our contributors 14
Thank you for supporting Cloudflare Collective.
Pia Mancini
Jade Wang
Judy Cheong
Trang Bi
Dani Rodrigues
Ricky Robinett
$56,500 USD
$7,500 USD
Open Source C...
$4,362 USD
$350 USD
Arno Moonen
$10 USD
Nick Leffler
$6 USD
Financial Contributions
Cloudflare Collective is hosting the following events.
Top financial contributors
$56,500 USD since Oct 2017
$7,500 USD since Feb 2020
$4,361.91 USD since Feb 2020
$5 USD since Jun 2023