Open Collective
Open Collective

Code & Coffee Collective

The national collective organization for all chapters of Code & Coffee. Focused on helping developers make friends and grow. All contributions are tax-exempt via our fiscal sponsorship with the Open Collective Foundation, a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit.


Code & Coffee Collective is all of us

Our contributors 7

Thank you for supporting Code & Coffee Collective.


Custom Donation

$6,000 USD


$400 USD

Ashley Bourgeois

Custom Donation

$10 USD


Custom Donation

$5 USD

Steve Chen

Custom Donation

$1 USD


šŸ§‘ā€šŸ¤ā€šŸ§‘šŸ§‘ā€šŸ¤ā€šŸ§‘ Weā€™re a Community. Our attendees feel like theyā€™re a part of the group. This group is not run by a company -- it is ran by a group of individual community members.
šŸ“ˆšŸ” Of developers. Or for people who work with them or want to become one.
šŸ£šŸ“ At Any Level. Whether youā€™re aspiring, newer, or more experienced.

We invite anyone working on software development, especially new devs and folks that work with them. You may already be working in one of these roles, or you might be interested in learning more about these roles ā€” either way, youā€™re welcome!

What do we do at these events?

šŸ’¬ Discussion. Many attendees come with questions, ideas, or strategies to discuss.
šŸ•øļø Networking. Many people come to meet people, that's enough reason on its own.
šŸ«²šŸ» Support. Many of our attendees in the past have also found mentors, mentees, and peer-support. We encourage it!

Many people come with questions, ideas or strategies to discuss ā€” and many others just come to meet people! Many of our attendees in the past have also found mentors, mentees, and peer-support friends ā€” and we encourage attendees to form relationships like these.

Our team


Transparent and open finances.

Fund Disbursement

Divested (fund disbursement)
from Hack Club to Code & Coffee Collective ā€¢
-$1,888.91 USD

Code & Coffee t-shirt: Emily M

Materials & Supplies
from steven chen to Code & Coffee Collective ā€¢
-$16.79 USD

NJ Code & Coffee t-shirts

Printing & Publication
from steven chen to Code & Coffee Collective ā€¢
-$60.44 USD
Todayā€™s balance

--.-- USD

Total raised

$5,907.05 USD

Total disbursed

$5,907.05 USD

Estimated annual budget

--.-- USD


Letā€™s get the ball rolling!

News from Code & Coffee Collective

Updates on our activities and progress.

Code & Coffee Collective - Annual Update (2023)

1. What did you accomplish during 2023? How did you use money?a) LOTS of events happened on meetup. At least 300 (including speaking features) as a rough estimate.b) Branding t-shirts, small supplies that equal massive savi...
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Published on December 22, 2023 by steven chen
Today's Balance