Developer tool to help with learning, designing and documenting a codebase by putting breadcrumbs in source code

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Financial Contributions
Help support further development and more cool features by becoming a Backer. We'll thank you by including your name in the file of the r... Read more
Become a sponsor with a monthly donation of at least $200 and get your logo (with a link to your site): - in the file of the repository a... Read more
Top financial contributors
$10 USD since Feb 2019
$10 USD since Feb 2019
$10 USD since May 2021
$4 USD since Sep 2023
codecrumbs is all of us
Our contributors 8
Thank you for supporting codecrumbs.
Bohdan Liashenko
Backer π
$2,025 USD
Iuliia Gurkina
$10 USD
Jay Feulner
$10 USD
Khodor Ammar
$10 USD
Backer π
$4 USD

Transparent and open finances.
CreditΒ from 0+XΒ to codecrumbs β’
CreditΒ from 0+XΒ to codecrumbs β’
CreditΒ from 0+XΒ to codecrumbs β’
$567.89 USD
$1,781.69 USD
$1,213.80 USD
$600.00 USD

Have you ever got lost in a big or unknown codebase? This tool will help you to solve that. Also, it will increase your development speed and give more knowledge about your application architecture.
How it works? You run codecrumbs command for a codebase, it analyzes source code and build its visual representation. Write down a codecrumb-comment and codebase state will be reflected by visual client in browser on the fly.
Supports live updates, multi-language support, and easy sharing. will be a hosting library of many case studies.
Our team
Bohdan Liashenko