Today's Balance
Hype Meter
per year

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
Fran Mendez
$2,277 USD since Apr 2021
Mike Bifulco
$100 USD since May 2021
Severin Ibarluzea
$14 USD since Mar 2021
John-Paul Anderson
$5 USD since May 2021
GitHub Sponsors
$6,172.62 USD since Oct 2020
Meta Open Source
$5,000 USD since May 2021
$200 USD since Mar 2023
Code Hike is all of us
Our contributors 9
Thank you for supporting Code Hike.
Rodrigo Pombo
GitHub Sponsors
$6,173 USD
Meta Open Source
$5,000 USD
Fran Mendez
💼 Freelancer / Startup
$2,277 USD
$200 USD
Mike Bifulco
$100 USD
Severin Ibarl...
$14 USD
John-Paul And...
$5 USD

Code Hike lets you build all types of code walkthroughs: blog posts, tutorials, quickstarts, slides, videos, workshops, docs, and so on.
The goal is to provide the best experience for both makers and consumers of technical content.
I (@pomber) am working full time on this project. The official reason is that I want to raise the bar on the formatting of technical content, but the main reason is that I'm having a lot of fun building it.
I have savings to pay the bills while working full-time on open source for some more months. But I need to validate the idea. So, consider sponsoring this project if you think Code Hike is a good idea and you want to help it become a success.
Sponsors (at least $9 a month) get full access to all the demos.
The goal is to provide the best experience for both makers and consumers of technical content.
I (@pomber) am working full time on this project. The official reason is that I want to raise the bar on the formatting of technical content, but the main reason is that I'm having a lot of fun building it.
I have savings to pay the bills while working full-time on open source for some more months. But I need to validate the idea. So, consider sponsoring this project if you think Code Hike is a good idea and you want to help it become a success.
Sponsors (at least $9 a month) get full access to all the demos.
Our team
Rodrigo Pombo

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from discord.js to Code Hike •
Contribution #639470
Contribution #165724
Contribution #165724
Today’s balance$2,231.17 USD
Total raised
$12,804.06 USD
Total disbursed
$10,572.89 USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD