Invoice #53121 to CodeNPlay
Sodexo Laura septembre
Submitted by Jean-François De Hertogh•Approved by Jean-François De Hertogh
Oct 20, 2021
Total amount €166.71 EUR
Paid to
payout method

Comments are private.
You must be signed in as an admin or the expense submitter to read comments on an expense.
Organization balance
Expense policies
Expense policies
Please submit one monthly "note de frais" and one monthly invoice if you are a contractor.
Monthly invoice
Upload the invoice
Send your timesheet to
Monthly note de frais:
The first page of the PDF should be the recap of your note de frais: one line per item with the receipt number, price, date and description of the bought item.
The next PDF pages must contain a picture of the receipt with its receipt number (corresponding to the note de frais)
Place all the paper receipts in an enveloppe with your name and the month and leave it in the receipts box at the office
Thank you!
How do I get paid from a Collective?
How are expenses approved?
Is my private data made public?
When will I get paid?
Why do you need my legal name?
Organization balance
€54,782.18 EURFiscal Host: