Noam Chomsky's 90th Birthday party
Celebrate the birth of a man who saw politics from a different view

No, this is not the name of an hallucinogenic mushroom! But if you love Noam Chomsky, want to learn more about him, or just share the opinion that the rise of Fascism and the far right shouldn’t stop us from having fun, then join us to celebrate the 90th birthday of this great political thinker. And if you are with “Captain Fantastic” and abhor Christmas (fundamentally or for what it’s become), this could be your alternative!
The event will be thought provoking and with so many inspiring people coming together it will blow your mind!
To uplift him and ourselves we will create a social media storm to reach him and hopefully have him say a few words to us in Brussels and tell us what he would like for his birthday.
And we will offer him a birthday booklet/ slam book of messages written to him by all of us.
PROGRAM: 6:30pm Political Poetry writing Workshop 7:30pm We facilitate you through an evening where you will have a chance to learn more about Chomsky. Discuss varied things, sing, dance and be merry.
Our team
Xavier Damman
Daniel Sum
Daniel Sum
Shanthuru Pre...
Manuel Pueyo
Ana Adzersen

Transparent and open finances.
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€13.29 EUR
€13.29 EUR
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