Open Collective
Open Collective

Transparency report feature

Help us fund the development of an enhanced /expenses page so that we can all offer a snapshot of our expenses

We have started a conversation about improving the /expenses page (e.g. to give a better overview of how the money is spent by each collective not only overall but also over any given time range.

We now have mockups and a time estimate (see conversation).

To make this a reality, we need to raise the necessary funds to start the development of this feature.

If you are interested in this feature, please help us find funders. You can also help us by showing your interest in the conversation. It will show potential funders that many collectives need this.


Goal $5,000 USD

Amount raised

$48.83 USD

Still to contribute

$4,951.17 USD


2 individuals have contributed to this goal

Join us in contributing to this tier!


Transparency report feature

$50 USD

Till Sanders

Transparency report feature

$7 USD

$5,000 USD goal

$49 USD raised (1%)
