Open Collective
Open Collective


tying down some threads, casting some lines.


this is a mutual aid space.

this is a mutual aid space that prioritizes Disabled, Black, and Indigenous liberation, and Indigenous sovereignty; namely landback. we approach mutual aid as a way to support communal survival, not individual survival. this does not mean we will withhold resources from anyone coming to us as an individual trying to survive, of course not!, but we will ask that if you come to us, consider coming to us as a representative of your city, your neighborhood, hell, even your bloc/k. if you have the labor capacity for it. we’re now acknowledging & working actively with the knowledge that when we support each other, it isn't just us being supported, it's all those we are connected to. we prioritize those we already are connected to, and those we already have the capacity to connect to.


communities are weaved crafts.

communities are weaved crafts; made up of threads - connections - sent out & received & and then held by individuals with varying desires, needs, priorities. the more threads, the stronger the community. somebody sends a thread out into the space. another person ties it down onto the knitting hook in their body, and then they send out a thread. yet another person ties it down. as all these threads are tied & begin to crisscross you suddenly can't pull them apart anymore.

this is not only the desire, the hope, but the need. feel validated in desiring and hoping for this strength of community, because you also need it, socially, economically, biologically.

this strength of community needs to be build up, and maintained.

there needs to be consistent effort put in. it's not impossible, but at times it can feel that way. we live under a taught, or forced, culture of domination and isolation. it can feel impossible to connect and to put effort into connection. you can feel assaulted by a thousand forces; you might very well be. sometimes to connect and to put effort into connection means putting yourself in harm's way, and while you can decide whether that is worth the outcome for yourself, that is something nobody should ever ask of you. and so, in moments of desperation, you find yourself logging onto your computer and casting out long, long, lines - online connections - like you'd throw out a message in a bottle, drifting as much as it is, waiting for a response and even a sense of belonging. and this sense of belonging can occur, and it is important for the oppressed classes among us. no denying it. this is an online space. but there are those thousand forces at work in the bowels of this thing we call social media. it is yet another expression of capitalism; that transforms creativity and connection itself into a competition, and transforms validation of belonging into an addictive thing. and the harsh truth is that is simply not real. you can pour as much energy as you would into an online space, and nothing on your bloc/k would change. and yet, so many, many more than are taught to rely on it, are forced to rely on it, because reality is inaccessible, sometimes literally, or as called out previously, too dangerous to move through intact. we must build up, and maintain, a reality that is accessible! we must bridge a gap from here, wherever here is, to there, wherever there is. this is how we approach bridging that gap: we cast these longer lines to find comrades, those that share with us the practice that is anarchy, and then we gift each other new perspectives, tools, and resources to bring back with us to our own realities and bloc/ks. we prioritize locality, and tending what is local, and that is where we devote most of our shorter threads.

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συλλογική_ανάρρωσης is all of us

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