Open Collective
Open Collective

Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom

For diverse, democratic, and accountable media

Total amount contributed

$915.95 USD



Transparent and open finances.


Contribution #37182
Contribution #13948
Contribution #12093


The Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom is an independent voice for media reform. We work to promote policies for diverse and democratic media.

The Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom (CPBF) was established in 1979. For over three decades we have worked for a more accountable, freer and diverse media.

Our aims

  • To challenge the myth that press freedom is best served by current forms of ownership and control, and by ‘self-regulation’ on the part of the Press Complaints Commission.
  • To defend the principles of public service broadcasting and to argue for democratically accountable forms of broadcasting regulation which actively promote and encourage high programme standards and genuine cultural diversity. The Campaign firmly believes that broadcasting is a public service as fundamental to the wellbeing of our democracy as our education and health systems, and should under no circumstances be treated as merely a producer of commodities. Equally, the Campaign holds that broadcast audiences must be treated, first and foremost, as citizens with distinct communicative rights, and not merely as consumers of entertainment products.
  • To encourage informed debate on the implications for media content of technological advances in the whole communications arena in order to ensure that the public interest is safeguarded and that commercial interests do not override democratic accountability.
  • To carry out research, lobby and generate public debate on alternative forms of ownership and regulation of the media in order to guarantee freedom both from state interference in all its various forms, and, equally importantly, from domination by vast, unaccountable business interests.
  • To campaign for the right of media workers to carry out their professional duties free from pressure or interference from media owners.
  • To help to unite the efforts of trade unionists inside and outside the media in promoting fair and accurate coverage that reflects a wide diversity of views and cultures.
  • To work actively alongside trade unionists, civil society groups and social movements who are creating alternative, democratic and independent media as a response to being denied a voice in the mainstream media.
  • To help and encourage media workers and the media and communications unions in promoting values of diversity, and in particular promoting positive coverage of traditionally disadvantaged and marginalised groups.
  • To campaign for a statutory Right of Reply in the press, which is absolutely fundamental not only to redressing inaccuracies and bias but also to raising journalistic standards.
  • To campaign for a reduction in legal restrictions on media freedom such as the libel laws, the Official Secrets Act, and legislation pertaining to confidentiality.
  • To campaign for free and fair access to information for all news outlets, and, in particular, to campaign for a significantly improved Freedom of Information Act.
  • To campaign against any measures which entail that the flow of information from the state to the media is distorted by political interference or manipulated for political gain.
  • To campaign for publications’ statutory right of access to the distribution system and a guaranteed right of display.

Our team