Fiscal Host: Open Collective Europe
We develop essential cross-runtime libraries for Deno, Bun, Node.js and other JavaScript runtimes.

@cross - Cross-Runtime JavaScript Libraries
We develop essential cross-runtime libraries for Deno, Bun, and Node.js, extending the foundation of @std on Our libraries are designed for seamless cross-platform development, offering intuitive APIs and clear documentation.
- @cross/fs: Complete cross-runtime utility library offering functions for file system operations, such as diskusage(), size(), readFile(), stat(), mktempdir().
- @cross/utils: A toolbox of helpful cross-runtime utility functions like exit(), spawn(), args, ArgumentParser and more.
- @cross/env: Simple and consistent environment variable management across runtimes.
- @cross/runtime: Easily detect the current JavaScript runtime (Deno, Bun, Node.js, or browser), along with version, OS and more.
- @cross/test: Write cross-runtime tests utilizing the build in test runners of Deno, Node and Bun. Works great with @std/assert and Sinon.
- @cross/deepmerge: Deeply merge objects with flexibility and customizability across JavaScript environments.
- @cross/base64: Efficient cross-runtime base64/base64url validation.
- @cross/log: Flexible cross-runtime logging with customizable console styling, file output, log levels, and pluggable transports.
- @cross/service: Cross-runtime service installer library for Systemd, Upstart, Sysvinit usable in Node, Deno and Bun.
- @cross/dir: Cross-platform mechanism for retrieving the paths to standard user directories in Deno, Bun and Node.js
- @cross/jwt: A versatile JSON Web Token (JWT) library.
We have also...
... created a set of common reusable and configurable GitHub workflows to streamline cross-runtime compatibility testing with Deno, Node, and Bun. Find them at
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Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from cross
Updates on our activities and progress.
Cross Collective Launches: Join Us in Building Cross-Runtime JavaScript Solutions
Calling all JavaScript enthusiasts! We're excited to announce the launch of the Cross Collective, a community devoted to creating essential, cross-runtime libraries for Deno, Bun, Node.js, and more. Our mission is to bridge the gaps, provid...
Published on April 29, 2024 by Pinta365

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Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
€2 EUR since Mar 2024
cross is all of us
Our contributors 2
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Transparent and open finances.
Contribution #752078
Today’s balance€1.45 EUR
Total raised
€1.45 EUR
Total disbursed
--.-- EUR
Estimated annual budget
€2.00 EUR