Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
At this tier, we will send you a welcome kit with information on how to get started, and make the most of your future membership. To join the DRIBD... Read more
Datalets is all of us
Our contributors 1
Thank you for supporting Datalets.


Transparent and open finances.
Debit from Datalets to Loose Antenna •
Debit from Datalets to Open Collective •
Debit from Datalets to openapi-directory •
CHF 50.37 CHF
CHF 66.85 CHF
CHF 16.48 CHF
--.-- CHF

Let’s get the ball rolling!
Let’s get the discussion going! This is a space for the community to converse, ask questions, say thank you, and get things done together.
Founding thoughts
Published on March 9, 2020 by loleg
DRIBD@ (dri·b·dət) is a future cooperative to improve standards, and provide new channels for exchange about open collaboration, time-limited sprints and related educational formats. The long term vision is to liberate our...
Published on March 9, 2020 by loleg
Thanks everyone who took part in the virtual hackathon last weekend. You can find the results on dribdat and a recap on my blog. As promised, the...

Our team