Open Collective
Open Collective
Film screening opportunity and ‘holiday’ match campaign news
Published on December 15, 2021 by Tom Schloegel

Thank you so much for your supporting Deep Adaptation Forum. You may receive this message as a first-time donor, or in the midst of ongoing, monthly contributions – and we are deeply grateful to you, and to every member of our community, including those who give so generously of their time and talent.

You may have seen some of the text that follows, which Kat Soares recently emailed to DAF members. I'm posting it again through Open Collective (the space we use to manage our donations and expenses) on the chance that you may not be on our email list, or with the possibility that it landed in the nether regions of your inbox. The key point (the TLDR): a new film screening opportunity is available through DAF's Open Collective site now, in conjunction with a match opportunity. Please read on for the details, or click here.

A personal message from: Kat Soares, DAF Core Team Coordinator, December 13, 2022

Thank you for being part of the Deep Adaptation ecosystem, embodying and enabling a loving response to our predicament by fostering connections, collaborations, and care among all members of our planetary family (both human and non-human).

As the Deep Adaptation network continues to grow, in maturity, geography, and membership, our spaces become increasingly vibrant, and also, to be honest, potentially fractured. We all work consistently to maintain the conversations and activities that align with our personal values and individual senses of purpose while generously inviting topics and themes that challenge our perceptions and positions allowing us to keep growing into this edge of uncertainty we face together.  This is fertile ground that is nurtured through the remarkable efforts of a dedicated group of volunteers in conjunction with a small core team of organizers, who together comprise the nervous system of the formal organization that is the Deep Adaptation Forum (DAF). 

From its inception, DAF has been committed to ensuring that participation in our spaces will be free. This is because we’re clear that, as awareness of the severity of the unfolding climate crisis increases, collapse anticipation should never be commodified, nor should anyone be excluded from engaging with others through the Forum because of financial limitations. That said, the ‘nervous system’ beneath the surface requires funding. Our budget is a very modest 5 thousand pounds per month, which pays the stipends to 5 part-time freelancers, technological support, bookkeeping and administration from our fiscal sponsor, and various IT and platform fees.

Earlier this year,  a DAF member pledged to match new monthly gifts for 2021. This was an enormously generous and very successful campaign. As such they have decided to keep the momentum going, offering us $25,000 USD (£18,000 GBP) if we are able to raise the same amount over this season of giving. 

This is an enormous opportunity! Will you please consider donating before January 1st to have your gift matched?

Such general operating support will allow us to support and maintain this vibrant emerging community and to raise awareness that we serve as a vital resource for compassionate listening, honest conversation, and growing collaboration among people open to sharing, learning, and connecting.

And, as a special bonus, the acclaimed documentary Une fois que tu sais (Once You Know) will be made available, for viewing online, to all donors, from December 24 and on January 4th director Emmanel Cappellin will join us for a conversation on zoom. Learn more about the film here.

Please direct any questions about this or anything related to Deep Adaptation Forum to me.

With gratitude and love,

Kat Soares
DAF Core Team Coordinator

P.S. Please consider becoming a donor by the January 1st deadline, safe in the knowledge that you are contributing to an evolving online community that brings value and solace to so many people across the globe, with the bonus of the opportunity to view Once You Know as a gift in return. You can do so here.


Posted on December 29, 2021

Hi Kat, thank you for this information. I am a new supporter and found my way here via the Work that Reconnects Network and the film production company who made 'Once you Know.' I have made my first donation today via the link that doubles contributions, and understand that I will receive a link to the documentary (it is my interest in this that led me here...). I haven't received a link yet, so do let me know how I will receive this. Many thanks, Claire

Tom Schloegel

Posted on December 29, 2021

Hello, Claire, and thanks. We appreciate the support! The link will be forthcoming shortly. 

And to others who may stumble upon this exchange: there is a small delay between contributions and our distribution of the link and password. Also, please check your spam folder, just in case. Thanks for your patience - and do reach out if need be. We're here to assist. All the best!

Paul Berry

Posted on December 30, 2021

Same here- I'm a new supporter and haven't yet received the link for the film...

I'd also like to enquire about how this forum can help me create a proper proposal to my county to consider a Deep Adaptation framework in its municipal planning? Next week, my county officials will begin a public comment period to inform a 20-year "land-use plan" for our county. Does this forum have any individuals or group(s) working on how communities can build "adaptive" local resilience, such as improving local food systems scope and sustainability (assuming DAF agrees that the current global food system is now facing imminent collapse?)? And/or using local food waste and green waste to build cumunity-based compost system to fortify carbon sequestration in local soils and help make community land spaces more resilient to  warming and drought, etc.?  

And/or just generally, any guidance on how to integrate a Deep Adaptation Framework in Community-based planning is appreciated. Thanks.
👀  1

Tom Schloegel

Posted on December 30, 2021

Hi Paul - Viewing link will be forthcoming by email. Also happy to correspond about your county's municipal planning process. Best, Tom