Deep Adaptation Forum
Embodying and enabling loving responses to our predicament. Connecting people, in all spheres of life, to foster mutual support and collaboration in the process of anticipating, observing, and experiencing societal disruption and collapse.

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Donors who give monthly hold the door open for new people. Your support ensures DAF continues to serve as a vital resource for compassionate listen... Read more
Your support ensures DAF continues to serve as a vital resource for compassionate listening, honest conversation, and collaboration among growing n... Read more
Support the following initiatives from Deep Adaptation Forum.
Deep Adaptation Forum is hosting the following events.
Deep Adaptation Forum is all of us
Our contributors 387
Thank you for supporting Deep Adaptation Forum.
Kathryn Soares
£1,282 GBP
£505 GBP
Dorian Cave
£326 GBP
The Schumache...
One-time Donation
£30,446 GBP
Tech Developm...
Roots to Reach Appeal
£7,589 GBP
Terry LePage
Roots to Reach Appeal
£5,785 GBP
Roots to Reach Appeal
£5,150 GBP
Jonathan Gosling
Roots to Reach Appeal
£2,900 GBP
Jack Heynen
Roots to Reach Appeal
£2,500 GBP
Jane Dwinell
Recurring Donations
£2,450 GBP
Fernando Garc...
Recurring Donations
£1,850 GBP

Help us make a difference in the world!
How we prepare and adapt to the convergent crises overwhelming the planet will make a critical difference to how the future unfolds. Deep Adaptation Forum is having a transformative impact, enabling members and participants to travel through grief, anxiety, and despair, and join a community facing the truth of what is with curiosity, compassion, and respect. By embracing our interconnectedness with one another and our environment, we embark on a conscious journey of solidarity, breaking a cycle of bewilderment and aggression and replacing it with opportunities for generative dialogue, listening, and learning.
DAF’s platforms and activities promote and encourage critical conversations about personal and practical adaptations that foster deeper emotional and psychological resilience. Our unique mission comes from the fact that we have moved beyond ‘managing’ the impacts of a changing climate, seeking ‘sustainable’ outcomes, adhering to false narratives about ‘progress’ and ‘development,’ or maintaining a deeply inequitable status quo. Instead we aim to generate and communicate knowledge, exchange information, build out interpersonal networks, and enable positive action.
DAF helps people face troubling and uncertain times calmly, creatively, and decisively. Our platforms and activities, and the participant-led projects we nurture, help members to make renewed - and even radical - commitments and contributions to life.
Here’s how you can help!
We run primarily on the human-powered fuel of dedicated volunteers. (Hopefully, dear reader, you are one of them!) Modest contributions and gifts of every size are leveraged to offer the respite and renewed purpose that our community provides.
If you feel our work has brought value to you and you believe it’s important for it to continue - and if you possess the means to make a financial contribution now - we would be so grateful.
Here’s what we’ll do with your donation:
We will invest in the people and platforms that help build awareness, support our affinity groups and volunteers, enable online and also in-person community, and provide professional and educational resources that will help bring DAF messaging into settings where they may have an important influence. In short, you will help provide the ideas, tools, and systems that allow collapse-aware individuals to take empowered action.
And be assured that every donation will be rapidly and wisely put to good use. DAF runs lean, with minimal financial reserves on hand month to month.
Anything else?
Presumably you are here because you wish to support Deep Adaptation Forum. Please carry through on that goal, with our deepest thanks! If you would like more information, visit us at the DAF website, where you can also find links to our social media accounts. One particular page on our website bears special mention: Our Charter, which shapes and guides how we strive to interact as a community and as individuals.
For individual assistance with donations please contact [email protected]
Thank you!
Given more support, we have a chance to reach a critical mass, and make Deep Adaptation blossom into a genuine social movement with impacts reaching far and wide, beyond borders, cultures, and social classes. We have the opportunity to become a catalyst for peace and positive transformation in an increasingly fragmented world.
We are so grateful for financial contributions, and yet we value more than anything the joy and warmth with which we nurture each other, our community, and this beautiful planet that sustains us. Thank you for your generous spirit and all the ways you share your gifts with the world.
Registered Office: Create Centre, Smeaton Road BRISTOL, BS1 6XN
Registered charity number: 1144674
Our team

Transparent and open finances.
£17,281.98 GBP
£109,978.36 GBP
£92,696.38 GBP
£8,433.00 GBP

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Deep Adaptation Forum
Updates on our activities and progress.
Deep Adaptation Gratitude Month - August 2022
Good news - a 'New DAF Space' is emerging!
Encores to Once You Know
Let’s get the discussion going! This is a space for the community to converse, ask questions, say thank you, and get things done together.
Fiscal Hosting for Malawi Innovative Program
Published on July 13, 2022 by Joseph Njeula
Teach For Malawi is a local Non-Governmental Organisation registered in Malawi to ensure systemically marginalised children in Malawi have access to excellent education, support and opportunities to shape a better future for themselves, the...
A DAF video 'explainer'
Published on March 29, 2021 by Tom Schloegel
Please view the video here: https://vimeo.com/529510634...
Thank you!
Published on March 2, 2021 by Tom Schloegel
Aimee, Nenad, David, Kat, and Tom - DAF appreciates your donations! ·