B/H/S: Organizacioni odbor Bh. povorke ponosa i Društveno-kulturni centar (DKC) Sarajevo su se udružili i organizovali radionicu terapeutskog tkanja mjesecu junu. Radionica je okupila grupu od dvadesetak osoba koje su skupa tkale na zajedničkom stanu reciklirajućinjem materijala poput stare odjeće, vodeći se principom da svako može naučiti ovu vještinu i da svako tkanje ima svoje posebno dostojanstvo, kao i svaka osoba.
ENG: The organizing committee of Bh. pride parades and the Social and Cultural Center (DKC) Sarajevo joined forces and organized a therapeutic weaving workshop in June. The workshop brought together a group of about twenty people who weaved together on a shared base by recycling materials such as old clothes, guided by the principle that anyone can learn this skill and that each weaving has its own special dignity, as does each person.