Open Collective
Open Collective

The preservation of monuments and memorials to the People's Liberation War and Revolution in Bosnia & Herzegovina

Wednesday, April 6, 2022, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM (UTC+01:00)
Created by: DKC Sarajevo


ENG - Several thousand monuments to the People’s Liberation War and Socialist Revolution were created on the territory of Bosnia & Herzegovina between 1945 and 1992. However, due to a variety of factors, their exact number and fate remains unknown.

In 2020, the website was created with the aim of mapping and assessing the condition of these monuments and memorials throughout the country, using crowd-sourced knowledge, with monuments being mapped and photographed by contributors and volunteers.

This talk will give a brief overview of the types and numbers of monuments and memorials created, their distribution around Bosnia & Herzegovina, and the varying degrees of their preservation. The methodology used by the platform will also be presented, showing both the website’s primary aims and the current status of mapping around Bosnia & Herzegovina as well as key trends both in terms of creation of monuments and memorials and their treatment in today’s society based on case studies from around the country.

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B/H/S - Na teritoriji Bosne i Hercegovine između 1945. i 1992. godine podignuto je nekoliko hiljada spomenika Narodnooslobodilačkoj borbi i socijalističkoj revoluciji. Međutim, posredstvom raznih faktora, njihov tačan broj i sudbine do danas ostaju nepoznati.

U 2020. je kreirana web stranica sa ciljem da se mapiraju i procijene stanja spomenika i spomen-obilježja u cijeloj zemlji, koristeći znanje proizašlo iz crowdsourcing-a, gdje su spomenike mapirali i fotografirali saradnici/ce i volonteri/ke.

Predavanje će obuhvatiti kratak pregled o vrsti i broju spomenika i spomen-obilježja koji su podignuti, njihovoj zastupljenosti u Bosni i Hercegovini, te različitim nivoima njihove prezervacije. Bit će predstavljena i metodologija koju koristi pomenuta platforma koja pokazuje kako primarne ciljeve web stranice tako i trenutni status mapiranja u Bosni i Hercegovini te niz ključnih trendova kako u smislu stvaranja spomenika i spomen-obilježja, tako i njihovog tretmana u današnjem društvu bazirano na studijama slučaja širom zemlje. 

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