Prošla je gotovo godina dana otkako je skate park ispod jednog ilidžanskog mosta ugledao svjetlo dana, postao utočište za dugogodišnje skejtere a mnoge druge inspirisao na novi hobi. U proteklom periodu park je korišten za okupljanje, skejtanje, druženje i stvaranje lijepih uspomena.
Međutim, tu smo nažalost svjedočili i raznim oblicima vandalizma, a proljetne poplave su naknadno uzele svoj dio, te je sada došlo vrijeme za veliki servis!
Pozivamo vas da nam se pridružite na ovogodišnjem servisiranju našeg skate parka! Park je zarastao, teren nije kao što je bio a neke od sprava su i nestale… Mi ćemo se pobrinuti za materijal i alate, od vas tražimo samo dobru volju. Kao i obično, naše radne akcije nikada nisu bez dobre muzike, vrhunskog roštilja i najbolje raje! Nakon radne akcije testiramo park, pa je poželjno da dođete na skejtu, rolama, biciklu ili E-scooteru.
ENG - It has been almost a year since the skate park under one Ilidža bridge saw the light of day, became a haven for skaters and inspired many others to try a new hobby. In the past year, the park was used for gathering, skating, socializing and creating beautiful memories.
However, we have unfortunately witnessed various forms of vandalism, and the spring floods subsequently took their toll, therefore, it's maintenance time!
We invite you to join us at this year's maintenance service of our skate park! The park needs mowing, the terrain is not as it was and some of the devices are gone… We will take care of the materials and tools, the only thing we ask you for is good will. As usual, our work actions are never without good music, top quality barbecue and the best crew! After the work action, we will be testing the park, so it is advisable to come on a skateboard, rollerblades, bicycle or E-scooter.