D is a general-purpose programming language with static typing, systems-level access, and C-like syntax.

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Support us with an annual donation and receive: 3 priority bug fixes per month (no accrual), your company's logo on the dlang.org sponsors page, a... Read more
Support us with an annual donation and receive: 3 priority bug fixes per month (no accrual), your company's logo on the dlang.org sponsors page, 2 ... Read more
Support us with an annual donation and receive: 5 priority bug fixes per month (no accrual), your company's logo on the dlang.org sponsors page, 3 ... Read more
Support us with an annual donation and receive: 8 priority bug fixes per month (no accrual), your company's logo on the dlang.org sponsors page, 5 ... Read more
dlang is hosting the following events.
Top financial contributors
$3,610 USD since May 2018
$1,650 USD since Jun 2022
$1,500 USD since Oct 2022
$1,425 USD since Apr 2018
$800 USD since Mar 2018
$770 USD since Mar 2018
$685 USD since Mar 2018
$640 USD since Apr 2018
$600 USD since Mar 2018
$600 USD since Aug 2018
$1,000 USD since Oct 2018
$435 USD since Mar 2019
$125 USD since Sep 2018
$100 USD since Nov 2020
$51 USD since Dec 2019
$50 USD since May 2018
$16 USD since Jun 2018
dlang is all of us
Our contributors 105
Thank you for supporting dlang.
Mike Parker
$390 USD
Andrei Alexan...
Ali Çehreli
Walter Bright
Vladimir Pant...
Iain Buclaw
Shoichi Kato
Bronze Donor
$3,610 USD
$1,650 USD
$1,500 USD
Elie Morisse
Bronze Donor
$1,425 USD

Transparent and open finances.
$12,195.64 USD
$19,379.85 USD
$7,184.21 USD
$2,304.00 USD

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Reminder to Gold Donors & Personal Sponsors
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Thank You! Now for SAoC.

D is a general purpose systems and applications programming language. It is a high level language, but retains the ability to write high performance code and interface directly with operating system APIs and with hardware. D is a programming language with an emphasis on powerful metaprogramming facilities on top of a robust, efficient core. Idiomatic D programs are commonly as fast as hand-optimized C code, while being reportedly shorter and easier to write, read, and change. A gradual approach to memory safety allows safe programs to be largely automatically checked, whilst relying on small and fast manually-verified primitives.
D's rich feature set offers many opportunities to a variety of projects, without them being ostensibly related to advanced metaprogramming facilities. High-performance code can be terse and highly optimized without the tedium of repeated coding patterns or hand-written specializations. Highly dynamic code can combine static and dynamic language features in an expressive whole. The best, most innovative ways to use the D language are yet to be discovered.
Why Open Collective?
Open Collective allows us to set up a variety of donation packages, with or without rewards, for one-time and recurring donations, at levels within reach of individuals and those more suited for corporate budgets. You can leave notes with your donation to tell us what you think of our work or what’s important to you. We can submit expenses to show how the money is being used, and set up fund drives for specific targets. $5 a month isn't much (about one coffee in most countries), but if 100 people donate one coffee a month, you get the entire coffee machine with a warp engine.
For more information see our OpenCollective kickoff blog post. There are also alternative donation options and other ways to get involved with the D programming language community.
About the D Language Foundation
The D Language Foundation is a 501(c) non-profit public charity devoted to advancing open source technology related to the D programming language. Our mission is to foster development of the D community and we're responsible for various processes within the D community, including developing the D programming language, managing intellectual rights, and raising funds. Please see the current high-level vision for an outlook of our goals for 2018.
Apart from maintaining D's ecosystem and infrastructure, the D Language Foundation contracts consultants to work on high-level goals and awards scholarships to students allowing them to work on high-impact projects related to the D programming language. You can learn more about us at our website.
Our team
Mike Parker
Andrei Alexan...
Ali Çehreli
Walter Bright
Vladimir Pant...
Iain Buclaw