Open Collective
Open Collective

JSON:API Client (Pitch-burgh)


Building a JSON:API Client for Drupal


Transparent and open finances.

Added funds #794665
Contribution #729149
Contribution #730389
Today’s balance

$2,194.61 USD

Total raised

$2,706.99 USD

Total disbursed

$512.38 USD

Estimated annual budget

$3,011.99 USD


Funded by Pitch-burgh!

Our Pitch-burgh scope is being tracked in the following meta issue. Our primary focus is:

  • Vertical Slice POC - will provide a fully functional JSON:API Client that can retrieve a collection of resources from Drupal.
  • JSON:API Client 1.0 release - the remaining scope for a 1.0 JSON:API Client release including supporting individual resource endpoints, all JSON:API CRUD operations, and support for additional authentication methods.
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Our team

Pratik Kamble

Core Contributor


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JSON:API Client (Pitch-burgh) is all of us

Our contributors 1

Thank you for supporting JSON:API Client (Pitch-burgh).

Brian Perry

$3,000 USD