Dynamoid, the Ruby DynamoDB ORM
Open source
Fiscal Host: Open Source Collective
Supports the development of Dynamoid, the Ruby DynamoDB ORM.

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
James McLachlan
$50 USD since Nov 2024
Matt Welke
$22 USD since Apr 2022
Thomas Witt
$20 USD since Sep 2022
$1,000 USD since Jan 2024
GitHub Sponsors
$273.86 USD since Apr 2023
Dynamoid, the Ruby DynamoDB ORM is all of us
Our contributors 6
Thank you for supporting Dynamoid, the Ruby DynamoDB ORM.
Peter Boling
GitHub Sponsors
$274 USD
James McLachlan
$50 USD
Matt Welke
$22 USD
Thomas Witt
$20 USD

Transparent and open finances.
Added funds #842220
Credit from James McLachlan to Dynamoid, the Ruby DynamoDB ORM •
Contribution #806544
Added funds #834807
Today’s balance$1,322.46 USD
Total raised
$1,322.46 USD
Total disbursed
--.-- USD
Estimated annual budget
$250.00 USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Dynamoid, the Ruby DynamoDB ORM
Updates on our activities and progress.
Primary Maintainer on hiatus due to Russian invasion of Ukraine
@andrykonchin's message to me (@pboling) read as follows: I just wanted to let you know that I may not actively maintai...
Published on April 1, 2022 by Peter Boling

For several years the primary, and very nearly sole, maintainer of Dynamoid has been Андрей Кончин from Kyiv, Ukraine 🇺🇦. He is Andrew 'Andry' Konchin on Github, and is also a member of the Ruby Language Org on Github.
A few weeks ago I got this message from him:
I just wanted to let you know that I may not actively maintain the Dynamoid gem in the meantime because of the situation in Ukraine.
Right now I am in the capital (Kyiv) and nobody can predict what will happen tomorrow or next week. Hope in several weeks or months the situation will change.
In an effort to help him out I have started organizing the Dynamoid community to gather donations to assist Andry. I was the primary maintainer of the gem from roughly 2016-2017, tapering off in 2018, and for the last almost 5 years it has been almost all Andry. I am picking it back up in his absence and wishing him and his family safety.
Our team
Peter Boling