Open Collective
Open Collective


Campaign for library ebook market reform.


 Publishing practices, such as price-gouging (some ebooks are 20x more expensive for libraries to buy than their hardcopy alternative), bundling and increasingly restrictive licences, are making ebooks unaffordable, unsustainable and inaccessible to libraries. 

Watch the video below to find out more 

In 2020, three academic librarians in the UK (Yohanna Anderson, Gloucestershire; Caroline Ball, Derby; Rachel Bickley, London Met) launched the #ebookSOS campaign, in response to the frustrating unavailability, high prices and restrictive licences of ebooks during the Covid-19 lockdowns. The campaign published an Open Letter, calling on the UK parliamentary Education Select Committee, to launch an investigation into the unfair sales, pricing and licensing practice of academic publishers. Meanwhile, librarians across the UK crowdsourced details of the prices they were being charged by publishers and the unfair licencing restrictions they faced. The data, which can be viewed here, starkly illustrates the nature of the crisis.

Due to the Education Select Committee declining to investigate (blog post containing response available here), the worsening of the crisis and the increasing global attention the #ebookSOS campaign has been attracting, we have now archived our original Open Letter and are pivoting to a more international focus.

The #ebookSOS campaign now serves as a wider call to awareness and action regarding the practice of publishers, within the UK and internationally. Please considering adding your name in support of the campaign and our call for fair sales practice, copyright reform and governmental support for libraries, education and research in regards to digital content.

Signatures are welcome from across the globe, both from individuals and representatives of organisations – click here to add yours

We have no formal funding and run this campaign on a voluntary basis. Donations will allow us to continue the fight for fair access to information for all. 

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£2 GBP

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£50 GBP / month

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#ebooksos is hosting the following events.

Past event
01:00 PM-02:30 PM UTC
This webinar will discuss the eBook crisis libraries, educators and authors face with internation...Read more

Top financial contributors



£150 GBP since Nov 2022


£20 GBP since Oct 2022

Stephen Grace

£10 GBP since Oct 2022

Caroline Ball

£5 GBP since Sep 2022



£484 GBP since Oct 2022

#ebooksos is all of us

Our contributors 7

Thank you for supporting #ebooksos.

Caroline Ball


£5 GBP



£484 GBP


£150 GBP


£20 GBP

Stephen Grace


£10 GBP


Transparent and open finances.

Today’s balance

£360.69 GBP

Total raised

£627.07 GBP

Total disbursed

£266.38 GBP

Estimated annual budget

--.-- GBP