Elysia JS
Fiscal Host: Open Source Collective
Fast and Friendly Bun web framework with an end-to-end type-safety for everyone,.
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$150 USD / month
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We believe that Bun has the potential to be the future of Nodejs and TypeScript.
We are extending that vision with the web framework optimized specifically for Bun and JavaScriptCore with modern technology and improving on the previous mistake of Node web frameworks.
We are extending that vision with the web framework optimized specifically for Bun and JavaScriptCore with modern technology and improving on the previous mistake of Node web frameworks.
Elysia is a fast and friendly web framework for everyone.
Focusing on speed and developer experience, Elysia has the familiar syntax that Node developers know and loved with snappy TypeScript-first developer experience with End-to-end type safety, allowing developers to sync type between client and server instantly without code generation.
We believe that Elysia will be a foundation and set a new standard for the next-generation TypeScript web framework.