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AgreeList's mission is to fight misinformation and improve the quality of debates. The multiplication of information sources, coupled with an increased passive reliance on social media, generates an illusion of information. Initial beliefs are often reinforced without being truly questioned, hence leading to polarization of opinions. We want to provide an alternative way for people to inform themselves and promote critical thinking. We want you to easily find answers to the key question: "Why do some people think differently than I do on a given topic?"
The heart of AgreeList are controversial topics, where influencers do not agree on what the right answer is. We want to gather all opinions in one place and classify them based on whether their authors agree or disagree with a statement embodying the issue at stake. Our platform therefore provides immediate clarity on the position of influencers and shifts (at least part of) the focus to their underpinning arguments. AgreeList will allow you to look at what the people you respect think, inform yourself on unfamiliar opinions and soundly shape your own opinions.