Open Collective
Open Collective
July 2024 Update
Published on July 17, 2024 by Marcel Klehr

Hello everyone,

It is yet another summer here in Germany, but what's been going on in my coding projects? Here is my update of what I've done with the time you have helped sponsor.

Version 5 of floccus is now a few months old already. And I think I'm not exaggerating when I say that the release has stabilized somewhat.
That is not least thanks to the introduction of automated error reporting. Which is opt-in, of course (*mumbles something about mozilla*).
Adding this feature is as much a gift to myself as to all the floccus users out there, as it makes debugging weird errors much easier and
thus also reduces the time until a fix is available. Still, I did not introduce this form of telemetry lightly and want to ensure everybody
that I'm never going to turn this on by default and that I'm very conscious of the trust that people place in me when they do turn it on,
as well as in general when deciding to use my software.

With floccus version 5.2 came a few new smaller additions, like the ability to label your sync profiles with a custom name rather than the default labels
as well as an (opt-in, *mumble mozilla mumble*) statistics connection to nextcloud bookmarks that allows you to see which links you click more often than others.
I've also spent a great deal of time trying to suss out what blocks users with large collections of bookmarks (think 100k) from using floccus successfully,
which led to a few fixes in this direction that hopefully make this a breeze now.

The Nextcloud Bookmarks app also saw some cool improvements: Sharing Bookmarks folders with Circles is now possible and I implemented the long awaited feature of
having a trash bin in the app for deleted items. This last one was quite a conundrum to imeplement but really worth the effort, I think. I also found
some time to clean up the admin settings of the app to give you a much improved admin experience when editing the settings.

On the horizon is a fix to fix git sync for floccus on mobile devices, which was blocked due to an upstream bug in the mobile framework used by floccus.
There's also an "Empty Trashbin" button coming to the Bookmarks app soon.

If you've been supporting me for my work on recognize, you will have been sad about the lack of love it has seen the last few months. I do hope to get back to 
recognize in my free time until the end of the year, but I cannot promise anything.

As always, I'm very grateful for the support I've received from everyone of you in working on these projects. Thank you to my new supporters and my old ones for continuing to support me in these efforts!
Also, by all means, feel free to shoot me a message, if you have feedback, ideas, critique or just want to say hi.

All the best and godspeed to you, wherever you may be right now :)
