Open Collective
Open Collective

value-from-data has been archived.

value-from-data has been archived and is no longer active.


Part of: FresCH

Let's help each other find the writing muse ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป build a community of data-inspired storytellers!


We need the wisdom of our citizen journalists, and this is a fundraiser to encourage fresh data visuals, in-depth posts, and maybe even the beginning of a book or wiki or film..or something! The writings of bloggers likeย eaves.caย and have been a massive inspiration to activists around the world, and have surely made their mark. At next year's Open Data Day, we can brainstorm some topics together, wrangle our favorite topics, motivate each other to put pun to paper (Writer's March, anyone?), make use of transparent structures (๐Ÿ‘‹ ohai OpenCollective!) and networks (๐ŸŒย Open Knowledge!) to invite contributions from students, journalists, activists, and ALL of us! If we can get at least one person in our community back in top writing shape, we will all benefit - in more ways than 0 and 1.

"I want the machinery [of transparency through elected officials, well funded journalism] to work, so I can have more fun!" ย  -- David Eaves

Our team

