Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
$266 USD since Feb 2017
$75 USD since Mar 2024
$35 USD since Sep 2018
$20 USD since Apr 2021
$14 USD since Jun 2020
$10 USD since Nov 2019
$10 USD since Mar 2020
$6 USD since Oct 2017
$100 USD since Jun 2020
$100 USD since Aug 2020
FreshOS is all of us
Our contributors 29
Thank you for supporting FreshOS.
$266 USD
Yannick Levif
Max Konovalov
Viktor Gardart
Florian Bürger
Montak Oleg
Ciprian Rarau
Gabriel Peart
Simon Strandg...
Kristian Ande...

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Carlo Zottmann to FreshOS •
Credit from Carlo Zottmann to FreshOS •
Credit from Carlo Zottmann to FreshOS •
$233.33 USD
$527.13 USD
$293.80 USD
$60.00 USD

Our mission
FreshOS is on a mission to provide iOS developers with simple tools to solve problems that 99% of us have. We believe developers should focus on valuable things like app logic, rather than casting the values of a JSON Parsing \o/. We thrive to make apis as simple as possible, yet flexible enough to handle 99% of use-cases. We believe in Unix-style libraries, that do one thing and do it well. Since we have control over those tools, they fit together nicely.
AutoLayout - Stevia 🍃
Write expressive autolayout code, readable and maintainable
Networking - ws ☁️
Write concise networking code that leverages the power of Alamofire, promises and JSON Parsing
Async - then 🎬
Make Async code delightful with Promises
JSON - Arrow 🏹
Write minimalist JSON Parsing that infers type and doest get in the way of your models
Navigation - Router 🛣
Simple Navigation for iOS
React Engine - Komponents 📦
React-inspired Components for UIKit
Reduce Stress & Errors
Localize 🏁
Emit warnings and erros when Localizations are missing or unused
Asset Checker 👮
Emit warnings and erros when assets are missing or unused
Integrate Faster
SketchToSwift 📲
Generate Swift code from Sketch designs
Who we are
S4cha & Maxkonovalov Let's not forget the 100+ people that contributed via pull requests, issues or even just talking to them :) This wouldn't be possible without them <3
Production ready
Our libraries have been Downloaded 109k+ times and already more than 2000 Apps use freshOS tools!
Source : Cocoapods
Testimonials <3
Sketch to Swift is an amazing way to build quick prototypes. Always using to build small samples for my freelancing clients. Also using AssetChecker so I'm never messing up and breaking my code because I deleted or changed the name of an asset. I appreciate the work they put in freshOS and I'm glad AwesomeiOS has all of them
Lucas Farah - Admin @Awesome-iOS
Just want to say I love your different solutions. It's smart clean and easy to use.
Florent Douine - iOS Developer
Man I just wanted to tell you that Stevia, then, Arrow and ws is the most beautiful thing ever made! Really! This is beautiful!
Mauran Muthiah - Developer
This kind of libraries really is perfect. Very focused, obviously simple and useful, no magic, and small. They make development easier one step at a time.
Anonymous - HackerNews
You can raise a github issue on the project you need support with or contact us at [email protected]
Our team
Yannick Levif
Max Konovalov
Viktor Gardart
Florian Bürger
Montak Oleg
Ciprian Rarau
Gabriel Peart
Simon Strandg...
Kristian Ande...
Adolfo Martin...
Adrian Brink
Tom MacWright
Theophane Rupin
Jason Liang
Mike Gallagher
Michael MacCa...