Fuse Open Collective
Build high performance iOS and Android apps with a single codebase

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Become a silver sponsor with a monthly donation of $500+, and get your logo on our GitHub repos, your logo on the front page of https://fuseopen.co... Read more
Become a gold sponsor with a monthly donation of $1000+, and get your logo (large) on our GitHub repos, your logo (large) on the front page of http... Read more
Top financial contributors
$300 USD since Jun 2020
$180 USD since Sep 2018
$120 USD since Apr 2020
$25 USD since Jan 2021
$20 USD since May 2020
$10 USD since Oct 2019
$100 USD since Aug 2019
$25 USD since Jul 2019
Fuse Open Collective is all of us
Our contributors 11
Thank you for supporting Fuse Open Collective.
Morten Daniel...
Hassan Mubarok
Chris Timberlake
$120 USD
Pasquale Vazzana
$25 USD
Project: Fuse Open Preview
$10 USD

Transparent and open finances.
$654.10 USD
$654.10 USD
--.-- USD
--.-- USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Fuse Open Collective
Updates on our activities and progress.
Fuse SDK 2.1 is out!
Release - Fuse SDK 2.0
Release - Fuse SDK 1.13

An open-source cross-platform mobile app development tool suite, which supports building Android and iOS applications.
With Fuse Open you can build native mobile user interfaces using the easy to learn UX Markup language and JavaScript to add business logic.
You can also easily integrate with lower level code for the IOT and more! :)
Roadmap : Where we are going next
These projects were prioritised to place Fuse Open on a firm foundation going forward.
Project: iOS Metal Support : Apple has deprecated OpenGL but not removed it yet, so we need to upgrade our rendering engine to supporting Metal.
Project: Fuse Open Preview : If you don't know already, Fuse Studio was originally built by the good people at fusetools.com but is not maintained by them anymore, so in an effort to make Fuse Open more sustainable and maintainable going forward, we want to build the Fuse Open Preview from the ground up with great documentation and understanding for the community to really get involved in making it even more awesome.
Project: Fuse Open Code Editor Plugins : The current plugins code base is a mess haha, and we really want to bring them all upto speed with the latest versions of the editors.
Project: Fuse Open Swift Support : Apple is really pushing Swift as their primary language and whilst we do support a way to use Swift code, its not straight forward as using Objective-C and Java in foreign code.
Project: Fuse Open Core : There are quite a few ongoing "smaller" projects that we are placing under this project such as: maintaining the core codebase, compiler improvements and fixes, as well as the creation of a separate resource website for Uno; the magical low level language underpinning Fuse Open that glues all the other languages together.