Discord activities
Part of: GDevelop Community
Fiscal Host: Open Collective Europe
Making it possible to create fully-featured Discord Activities in GDevelop

Discord recently released their Activities SDK to allow creating fully integrated games and applications playable in Discord voice chats.
This project aims at creating a full kit for creating Discord activities, including:
This project aims at creating a full kit for creating Discord activities, including:
- Authenticating with the Discord account
- Obtaining user data for the Discord account
- Getting the user data of the users in the activity
- (When it become publicly available) In-App Purchases
- Opening different dialogues in discord (share, invite, etc)
But also build upon those features with extra juicy features:
- Authenticate into firebase with the discord account
- Use gd.games as the hosting platform of your activity
- Use the Discord APIs
- Allow external APIs to work with your activity
- ...and more!
Project owner: arthuro555
Our team
Florian Rival

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