Open Collective
Open Collective
Solstice Update 2023
Published on December 21, 2023 by Henry Holtgeerts

Looking Back

2023 was a monumental year for the Grapevine Collective! We formally launched as an organization, which was the culmination of years of base-building, community conversations, and a deep discernment that our collective liberation would happen sooner if Grapevine existed than it would if it didn’t. We started All Hands Meetings with ~10 mutual aid groups and nonprofits, and those conversations created collaboration ranging from shared De-Escalation trainings to simply sharing snacks. We also manage the rental of various community spaces, creating space for community singing, recovery space after protests, tai chi, harm reduction workshops, and more—all at arguably the most affordable rates in our neighborhood.

Where We Are Growing

The learning curve for managing space was steep, and we’re still working on expanding our capacity to sustain the team amidst incredible (good!) demand from the neighborhood. We drafted numerous financial models, and the good news is that we have secured enough income to stabilize our base operations, but we still have such a long way to go before our core team can rest easy.

What's Ahead

We are actively pursuing 501(c)3 status! We want to establish more robust systems for maintenance, community dynamic management, site hosting, and growing more food.

Thank you for your support of the Grapevine Collective thorughout this first year! We look forward to another year of learning and growing alongside each other.

Grapevine Collective Core Team
Carmen, Revalon, Aydin, Tyler, Aria, and Hen