Fiscal Host: Open Source Collective
⟨Leibniz-Grassmann-Clifford⟩ differential geometric algebra / multivector simplicial complex

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Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
Serkan Holat
$21 USD since Jan 2023
Saketh Rama
$5 USD since Jul 2020
Grassmann.jl is all of us
Our contributors 3
Thank you for supporting Grassmann.jl.

Transparent and open finances.
-$21.83 USD
Credit from Serkan Holat to Grassmann.jl •
Contribution #609736
Credit from Saketh Rama to Grassmann.jl •
Contribution #84778
Today’s balance--.-- USD
Total raised
$21.83 USD
Total disbursed
$21.83 USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD

The Grassmann.jl package provides tools for doing computations based on multi-linear algebra, differential geometry, and spin groups using the extended tensor algebra known as Leibniz-Grassmann-Clifford-Hestenes geometric algebra. Combinatorial products include ∧, ∨, ⋅, *, ⋆, ', ~, d, ∂ (which are the exterior, regressive, inner, and geometric products; along with the Hodge star, adjoint, reversal, differential and boundary operators). The kernelized operations are built up from composite sparse tensor products and Hodge duality, with high dimensional support for up to 62 indices using staged caching and precompilation. Code generation enables concise yet highly extensible definitions. The DirectSum.jl multivector parametric type polymorphism is based on tangent bundle vector spaces and conformal projective geometry to make the dispatch highly extensible for many applications. Additionally, the universal interoperability between different sub-algebras is enabled by AbstractTensors.jl, on which the type system is built.
Our team
Michael Reed