Open Collective
Open Collective

Gentlewomen’s Club London


Women supporting women


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Financial Contributions

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Gentlewomen’s Club London is hosting the following events.

Top financial contributors


Open Collective UK

£0.2 GBP since Oct 2020


Ozlem Fidanboylu

£24 GBP since Mar 2018

Gentlewomen’s Club London is all of us

Our contributors 3

Thank you for supporting Gentlewomen’s Club London .


Transparent and open finances.

Added funds #98958
Added funds #98957
Today’s balance

--.-- GBP

Total raised

£282.00 GBP

Total disbursed

£282.00 GBP

Estimated annual budget

--.-- GBP


This is the Open Collective page for the London Gentlewomen's Club where you can find out more about us and buy tickets for our events.

The Gentlewomen's Club is a judgement-free zone where women from different backgrounds and professions come together to support one another to live their “best lives” and find the work and life paths that are best for them. Our network is not just about the connections, it’s about having a forum to brainstorm how to fulfil your potential, to support you through challenges and be each others cheerleaders to celebrate each of our successes.

Our community is diverse, but we all have the same questions, from how to find the right work/life balance or how to deal with working in largely male dominated workplaces to how to find better female support and friendships in a big City.

It can be difficult to find answers to these questions or even the right forum to discuss them. That's why we have set up this Club – to support you and support change. In Brussels where it all started, we've hosted roundtable discussions with CEOs on how to build a path for success, sessions with life coaches to help find our inner-voice and fitness retreats, because we recognise that personal happiness and professional success go hand-in-hand. Membership is free, but we will charge for some events to cover the cost of catering and venue hire.

Our team