Open Collective
Open Collective

Helen Williams



Transparent and open finances.

View all expenses  →
-£95.00 GBP
-£370.00 GBP
-£620.00 GBP
↑ Total contributed

--.-- USD

↓ Total received with expenses

$16,182.60 USD


I'm a freelance facilitator working in the fields of creativity, learning, leadership, and wellbeing - delivering sessions for individuals and groups that are grounded in the systems and practices of circle, mindfulness, transformative learning, and holistic wellbeing. 

The first decade of my career was spent nestled in the performing arts sector as I morphed through roles of performer and choreographer, and then crossed backstage into work as a theatre technician. The second decade further extended these diverse and pragmatic skills with various work in organisational development and project management. Consequently, the extent of my experience and skillset has become broad and adaptable, nurturing a strong ability to work with and appreciate people from all walks of life. 

During the past six years, as my awareness of the declining health of our society, environment, and economy has increased, my commitment to serving this world by working more directly with care-giving and nurturing has also increased; initiating an intentional shift out of the creative sector and further into health and wellbeing, where today I am now established as a wellbeing facilitator, holistic therapist, community mediator, mindfulness teacher, and spiritual guide.