Bunnaroo Festivals
Part of: Hidden Hare Creative Guild
Fiscal Host: Rabbit Hole Studios
Biannual opportunities to preform orginal music, to sell arts and crafts, and to promote small buisnesses and creatons to a wide range of audiance

Bunnaroo is a biannual festival hosted by Rabbit Hole Studios. This is the largest performance of the year for many of our in house musicians, singers, poets, and comedians. This event is an exciting opportunity to bring in a large variety of new people to the space, and it is a special time for the artists work to be seen, heard, and hopefully supported. We provide promotion, labor, space, stages, sound equipment, audio and video recording, lighting equipment, sound engineering, tables, chairs, decorations, games, and more. These festivals are also potentially big for our Artist Market collective who share visual art, as well as, small business that create crafts, products or goods, and services. Our hopes are to find ways to increase the attendance and to somehow find a way to get some finances back into the community to sustain the opportunities to these events. We would also love to be able to have more access to resources for marketing and promoting for our fellow artists and craftsmen, to therefore find stability in their passions.
Our team

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