Open Collective
Open Collective

HTTP Archive

We track how the web is built and publish the annual Web Almanac report.


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Individual Supporter

For individuals from the web community

Starts at
$5 USD / month

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Corporate Sponsor

For corporations in the web industry

Starts at
$5,000 USD / year

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Top financial contributors



$300 USD since Nov 2024

Jens Oliver Meiert

$50 USD since May 2021

Avinash Shashikant Dalvi

$10 USD since Jun 2021


Google Open Source

$95,000 USD since Feb 2024

HTTP Archive is all of us

Our contributors 8

Thank you for supporting HTTP Archive.

Google Open S...

Corporate Sponsor

$95,000 USD


$300 USD


Transparent and open finances.

February hours

Maintenance and Development
from Sarah Fossheim to HTTP Archive
-kr 88,000.00 NOK
$7,852.80 USD

January hours

Maintenance and Development
from Sarah Fossheim to HTTP Archive
-kr 80,000.00 NOK
$7,124.09 USD
Contribution #810374
Today’s balance

$38,861.10 USD

Total raised

$238,811.16 USD

Total disbursed

$199,950.06 USD

Estimated annual budget

$300.00 USD


Successful societies and institutions recognize the need to record their history—this provides a way to review the past, find explanations for current behavior, and spot emerging trends. In 1996, Brewster Kahle realized the cultural significance of the Internet and the need to record its history. As a result, he founded the Internet Archive, which collects and permanently stores the web's digitized content.

In addition to the content of web pages, it's important to record how this digitized content is constructed and served. The HTTP Archive provides this record. It is a permanent repository of web performance information such as size of pages, failed requests, and technologies utilized. This performance information allows us to see trends in how the web is built and provides a common data set from which to conduct web performance research.

The HTTP Archive tracks how the web is built. It provides historical data to quantitatively illustrate how the web is evolving. People who use the HTTP Archive data are members of the web community, scholars, and industry leaders:
  • The web community uses this data to learn more about the state of the web. You may see it come up in blog posts, presentations, or social media.
  • Scholars cite this data to support their research in major publications like ACM and IEEE.
  • Industry leaders use this data to calibrate their tools to accurately represent how the web is built. For example, a tool might warn a developer when their JavaScript bundle is too big, as defined by exceeding some percentile of all websites.

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