Live Love Dance Community Ceilidhs
Part of: I Am We Are Collective
Fiscal Host: The Social Change Nest
An intergenerational & intersectional joy practice of community building through dance, food and play

Welcome to our seasonal Ceilidh gathering work. Beginning in March 2023 & completing the first year long cycle in March 2024 we celebrated the equinox and solstice turnings. Kevin Campbell Davidson is our caller, with the beautiful music to dance with provided by The Rattling Bogs, Callum Smith & Theo Passingham. Mahesh cooked his delectable Indian curries, and Arte and friends served up the exciting alcohol free drink selection, and snacks.
From October 2024 - March 2025, we will begin the second year cycle, and to build on this work.
From October 2024 - March 2025, we will begin the second year cycle, and to build on this work.
Our Ceilidhs are an intersectional, intergenerational, alcohol free, creative & embodied evening of music, dance, food, conversations and solidarity. Our space is in the practice of being inclusive, open to all bodies of culture, gender, sexual orientation and abilities. We may not always get it right and we welcome conversation on anything that needs to be improved. Children & young people of all ages are welcome.
Our team

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