Open Collective
Open Collective

Transitions: A modern day rite of passage


Supporting young people in an intergenerational and international environment to explore who they are and what is inspires them to be future artists and creative practitioners in these times


A modern day rite of passage exploring combined arts creative practice: photography, poetry, writing and visual art to examine and process transitions in life, and reimagine what future(s) might be possible. 
Travelling to Bjarkan ( in northern Sweden: meeting people, navigating landscapes and ecological wilderness, we will develop ideas, visual language and reflections that speak to what it means to be a young person in these times, inspired by english and international stories of creativity, ecological connection, community and action.

A creative producer, two resident artists and three guests from across Europe will develop creative, cultural and imagination practices for a group of six young people who are moving into post 16 and post 18 learning environments. 

We will create: 
  • Intergenerational relationships supporting young people across England and Europe
  • A digital gallery of a 12 day trip including photographs and reflections.
  • A series of podcast conversations about modern day rites of passage
  • A documentary film about what it means to be alive in the world today.
  • A presentation and workshop for Shambala Festival.
  • A PDF with key learnings.

This work will inspire:
  • Consideration of the myriad of relationships, heritages and histories that make up our lives. 
  • Young people to see themselves as Artists and creative practitioners, and essential for a creative and ecologically orientated economy of the future. 
  • Creative skills value for collective mental, physical and relational health.

Young people are future participants in our national and global economy. Co-creating sensemaking and developing skills for the paradoxical nature of these times is essential.  (in brackets are World Economic Forum terms for top 10 skills needed in 2024). We need:

  • A highly connected, deep understanding of the world, our systems and a growing capacity for a pluralistic worldview (Empathy and active listening)
  • Understanding of polycrisis and business as usual approaches to including and adapting to the current planetary and cultural changes. (Analytical thinking and leadership)
  • Citizenship, human and ecological, is an ongoing, revisable agreement with each other to include a more holistic approach to living. (Resilience, flexibility, agility) 
  • Rites of passage mark transitions and changes as we grow, reaffirming our relationships to ourselves and each other. (Motivation and self awareness)
  • Artists, creative practice, collaboration and innovation are essential to the economic landscape. (Creative thinking, lifelong learning)

We want to:
  • Engage and support young people to untangle and navigate the layers of thought and feeling about their lives and the future. 
  • Develop new intergenerational work inspiring those in relationship with young people, to find questions, language and shared process to co-create a hopeful future.
  • Illuminate personal and systemic barriers, developing creative practices that release stuckness from our bodies and cultures.
  • Train and inspire young people to share these skills, becoming creative practitioners & sharing this knowledge and experience with their peers.
  • Explore emergent digital practices to connect with national and international audiences.
  • Cultivate international and intergenerational support for young people to connect to, learn from and collaborate with.

What we are doing/are going to do:
  • We submitted an Arts Council Project Grant and have a project page set up with our experience of this kind of work here.
  • We are launching our public crowdfunding process on this page which will initially run until 30th June 2024.
  • We are hosting a series of conversations about transitions in our lives - youth, adult, elder. These events are available to access below.
  • We will be launching a podcast series which will be curated conversations around these topics, with partners in the project, friends and fellow journeyers. This will be ongoing in 2024-2025.
  • We will do a first iteration of this project during 2024, with the aim of developing a seven year cycle of annual rites of passage for modernity, with mixed groups of young people, artists and partners.
  • We aim to have one major financial and technology partner who will support the development of this work over time.  

Our team


Core Contributor

Daniel Martin

Core Contributor
Today's Balance


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

High Five Support

This is a financial high five. Thank you for doing what you are doing, keep it up, we support you and want to see this work happen!

£0.00 GBP of £3,000 GBP raised (0%)

Starts at
£5 GBP
Sharing Abundance

This work is powered by shared communal resources. Nothing is possible without all of us. This is the essence of any rite of passage, a larger sens... Read more

£0.00 GBP of £10,000 GBP raised (0%)

Starts at
£100 GBP
Project Sponsorship

For businesses, families or individuals who are able to financially support specific aspects of the project including travel and post learning jour... Read more

£0.00 GBP of £10,000 GBP raised (0%)

£2,500 GBP
Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

Transitions: A modern day rite of passage is all of us

Our contributors 2

Thank you for supporting Transitions: A modern day rite of passage.

Daniel Martin

Core Contributor


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Transitions: A modern day rite of passage

Updates on our activities and progress.

Conversations as artefacts

One of the beautiful things about this work is that I get to have conversations wit...
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Published on June 7, 2024 by Jamie Colston