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Open Collective

Ice Bloc Mpls has been archived.

Ice Bloc Mpls has been archived and is no longer active.

Ice Bloc Mpls

Helping unhoused folks in Minneapolis stay cool and hydrated.


Ice Bloc Mpls is all of us

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Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Ice Bloc Mpls

Updates on our activities and progress.

While we're all thinking about ice. . .

Ice Bloc Minneapolis is a collection of neighbors looking out for each other in the summer when temperatures can be dangerous for people without housing. We primarily do this by distributing ice and sports drinks/electrolyte drink powders t...
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Published on March 9, 2023 by Ice Bloc


Ice Bloc is a mutual aid network working with community members, both housed and unhoused, to provide access to water, in its many forms, to unhoused folx in Minneapolis. We believe that water is a basic human right.
Unhoused communities do not have the same access to water that the housed often take for granted. No access to the cities infrastructure means no constant source of electricity to keep water or ice cool or frozen and no constant source of potable water. The ability to conjure a full tub or sink, even a glass, of water is not a possibility in an encampment. Even as temperatures dip and ice becomes less of a need, water is still a basic resource that gets us through everyday. Ice Bloc is working to bring water back to the people. We keep us cool, after all.

To date, Ice Bloc has worked with Steller Kindness Project, a local non-profit, to buy and store ice, water, and whatever else may help during a heatwave. As temps begin to fall in the state, Ice Bloc still wants to work to provide water to the unhoused as the ice comes naturally.  Even with this amazing support, it has been difficult to collect donations for water as temps fall. We hope with support from Open Collective, Ice Bloc can continue to operate throughout the year to provide water to the unhoused in Minneapolis. Ideally, we'd be able to support other Minneapolis mutual aid organizations, like Community Kitchen, to ensure water is always available to unhoused folx and that money is not the barrier.   

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