if-me.org is a free, open source mental health communication platform to share experiences with loved ones

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
$195 USD since Dec 2021
$160 USD since Jun 2020
$155 USD since May 2020
$150 USD since Feb 2018
$60 USD since Jul 2021
$50 USD since Oct 2017
$40 USD since Jul 2018
$37.5 USD since Dec 2019
$25 USD since Dec 2019
$8 USD since Nov 2024
$5 USD since Oct 2024
$5,000 USD since Oct 2023
$37.5 USD since Dec 2019
if-me.org is all of us
Our contributors 14
Thank you for supporting if-me.org.
Julia Nguyen
The Tides Fou...
$5,000 USD
$195 USD
Robin Riley
$160 USD
Linda Peng
$155 USD
Aaron Sachs
$150 USD
$60 USD
$50 USD
Allan McKernan
$40 USD
$38 USD
Project Yello...
$25 USD

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Guest to if-me.org •
$7.22 USD
$5,233.47 USD
$5,226.25 USD
$89.00 USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
Let’s get the discussion going! This is a space for the community to converse, ask questions, say thank you, and get things done together.
Tides Grant Award and Agreements
Published on October 17, 2023 by Lauren Gardner
Congratulations on your award! I am starting a 'conversation' to ensure we note this grant's deliverables and deadlines. Please respond to this thread to acknowledge the final report date. We will create a calendar event to follow up a week...

We care about marginalized communities that have little or no access to mental health education, resources, and services - including refugee and immigrant communities and communities of colour.
As a free, open source nonprofit organized by folks from underrepresented groups in technology, every dollar counts in sustaining and scaling out our software and organization. We truly believe mental health needs to be open in order to improve lives. Mental health education, resources, and services need to be accessible to as many communities as possible.
Funding helps us to:
- Reach out to more communities lacking mental health education, including minority, immigrant, and English as a Second Language (ESL) communities. We've translated our site to many languages including Spanish, Chinese, and Hindi.
- Engineering costs including hosting and server expenses
- Compensate our writers who invest a lot of emotional labour in our blog
- Additional costs of maintaining a welcoming and inclusive contributor community
Breaking down stigmas is any community starts with one person opening up. You can read about our project and contributor community through our press coverage. Our blog amplifies individuals and grassroots organizations who advocate for better mental health and disability justice.
We are always looking for new contributors! You can follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook @ifmeorg.
Our team
Julia Nguyen