Open Collective
Open Collective

Educational Resources & Programming


Support creators of free resources and programming and fund continued development


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Recurring contribution
Become a Backer

Support our free programming and creators with a monthly donation.

Starts at
$5 USD / month
Custom contribution
One-Time Donation

Support our free programming and creators with a one-time donation of your choice.

Starts at
$5 USD


The Inclusive Design Jam is a community of practice and educational hub dedicated to evangelizing and spreading inclusive design around the world.

Our Mission

Make the access and use of products, services and environments equal to all.

Our Vision

We envision a future where inclusion, equity and justice are built into products, services and environments by default.

Our Actions

We raise awareness on inclusive design and mobilize changemakers around the world through knowledge transfer and advocacy.

Our Values

Respect, Transparency, Fair Value Exchange, Global Perspectives, Equal Access, Proper Attribution

Meet the team

The community is managed and overseen by Sandra Camacho (aka Sandra By Design). She's supported by a group of self-appointed volunteers (our Working Group) from around the world who are passionate about inclusive and equitable design.


Who can contribute?
We accept contributions from individuals and organizations of all sectors, industries situated around the world who are inspired by our mission and would like to support us in evangelizing inclusive design and training and mobilizing practitioners around the world. We do not accept contributions on behalf of organizations

How will contributions be used? 
Your donation will support our awareness-building, community building and education efforts, such as the following: 
  • Funding the development of future high-quality resources
  • Funding public awareness campaigns
  • Offering scholarships for our paid training offerings
  • Paying volunteers, speakers and collaborators
  • Funding tech stack used for community initiatives
Transactions in our community fund (donations going in and expenses going out) will always be visible on this platform.

What will I get if I make a contribution?
We are happy to welcome you to attend our free events and access our educational resources. You will also be listed as a donor (if you wish) on our OpenCollective Community Fund page and our website.

Please note that making a donation does not equip you with influence or decision-making power over the initiatives or actions that we carry out. Our community actions will be collectively decided upon by community members and the working group in line with our mission and values.

Are donations tax deductible?
Donations are not tax-deductible as the Inclusive Design Jam isn't incorporated as a non-profit organization (yet — we'll consider this option in the future if we have enough momentum).