Open Collective
Open Collective


We provide services which lead the way through frictions, uncertainty and fear for elevated growth, performance, fulfilment & social justice.


Transparent and open finances.


Credit from Instigating Excellence to Instigation



Thrive in life, organisations, and society!

Instigation provides services which lead the way through frictions, uncertainty and fear for elevated growth, performance, fulfilment and social justice. Reconnecting you to your values, goals and protocols that strengthen your resilience and ability to work through challenges and learning opportunities for success.

Instigation catalyses your success through coaching; curated learning journeys, interactive and meaningful facilitation, and transformative development programs for leaders and youth.

We believe it is our responsibility to not only create conduits of resources to the reconcilitations and redducation around edgy topics that push humanity beyong the status quo towards a thiving society but also ensure that the underserved communities have access to resources for well being, leadership and transformation.  For this reason, Instigation has always pioneered projects based on contribution.

You can discover a few here:

Our team