JavaScript Enhancements sublime text 3 plugin
JavaScript Enhancements is a plugin for Sublime Text 3. It offers not only a smart javascript autocomplete but also a lot of features about creating, developing and managing javascript projects.

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JavaScript Enhancements
JavaScript Enhancements is a plugin for Sublime Text 3.
This plugin uses Flow (javascript static type checker from Facebook) under the hood.
This is in BETA version for testing.
It offers better JavaScript autocomplete and also a lot of features about creating, developing and managing JavaScript projects, such as:
- Cordova projects (run cordova emulate, build, compile, serve, etc. directly from Sublime Text!)
- Ionic v1 and v2 (it includes also v3) projects (same as Cordova projects!)
- Angular v1 and v2 (it includes also v4 and v5) projects
- React projects (only about the creation at this moment)
- React Native projects (only about the creation at this moment. I will add also NativeScript support)
- Express projects (only about the creation at this moment)
- Yeoman generators
- Local bookmarks project
- JavaScript real-time errors
- Code Refactoring
- etc.
You could use it also in existing projects (see the Wiki)!
It turns Sublime Text into a JavaScript IDE like!
This project is based on my other Sublime Text plugin JavaScript Completions
Note: If you want use this plugin, you may want uninstall/disable the JavaScript Completions plugin, if installed.
- Linux (64-bit)
- Mac OS X
- Windows (64-bit): released without the use of TerminalView plugin. For each feature (like also creating a project) will be used the
shell (so during the creation of a project don't close it until it finishes!). Unfortunately the TerminalView plugin supports only Linux-based OS 😞 . Has someone any advice or idea about that? Is there something similar to the TerminalView plugin for Windows?? Thanks!
In order to work properly, this plugin has some dependencies:
- Sublime Text 3 (build 3124 or newer)
- Node.js (6 or newer) and npm ( or nvm)
- TerminalView (only for Linux and Mac OS X) sublime text plugin (TerminalView)
Not required, but useful for typescript files (Flow wont work on this type of files):
- TypeScript sublime text plugin (TypeScript)
Flow Requirements
It will use Flow for type checking and auto-completions.
- Mac OS X
- Linux (64-bit)
- Windows (64-bit)
You can find more information about Flow on
Quick Overview
Projects with terminal (TerminalView)
See the Wiki for complete examples and the other features.
If you have any problems, create an issue (protip: do a quick search first to see if someone else didn't ask the same question before!). For small questions, you can use .
Email me for any questions or doubts about this project on: [email protected]
Feature request/enhancement
For feature requests/enhancement, create an issue or use .
MIT License
Our team
Lorenzo Pichilli