Charge #234743 to Joomla! Component Builder
Virtual Card charge: OPENAI *CHATGPT SUBSCR
Submitted by Llewellyn
Jan 12, 2025
Total amount $20.00 USD
Paid to
payout method
Collective balance
Expense policies
Expense policies
We process expenses twice a week after an admin of the Collective has approved them. We make payments via PayPal and Bank Transfer (using Wise) and can only make payouts to countries served by these payment processors. You are not required to upload an invoice document (the data you submit in the expense form is sufficient), but if you would like to include an uploaded invoice, please make it out to:
Collective Name, Open Source Collective, 440 N. Barranca Avenue #3939, Covina, CA 91723, USA
Please refer to the documentation here for payment processing requirements on reimbursements and invoices.
If you would like a refund, please email [email protected] with the transaction #, the collective you donated to, the date, and the amount of the transaction.
Usually if you have done a presentation of JCB at a big event, and have a video recording, with the slideshows and well enough proof of your travel cost, and boarding expense … you can submit an expense claim. At this time we only planning to contribute at most $1500 per/event as donations are made available. Give us as much info as you can upfront in the "Private instructions", best if we need not ask for more details later.
If you are part of the core developers, your contribution on gitHub is used to calculate a gift amount. Therefore before submitting any expense claim, please communicate with our Core Team leader, Llewellyn, and he will guide you in the right direction.
For all other expense claims, please communicate with us before at
How do I get paid from a Collective?
How are expenses approved?
Is my private data made public?
When will I get paid?
Why do you need my legal name?
Collective balance
$1,531.30 USDFiscal Host:
Open Source Collective