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News from Js-sdsl
Updates on our activities and progress.
v4.2.0 has been published
[4.2.0] - 2022.11.20 · Changed · Optimized the structure of class TreeNodeEnableIndex.Change the iterator access denied error message to reduce the packing size.Change the internal storage of the hash conta...
Published on November 23, 2022 by ZLY201
v4.2.0-beta.1 has been published
Remove all the arrow function to optimize.Modify `HashContainer` implementation to optimize.
Published on November 6, 2022 by ZLY201

Welcome to the Js-sdsl organzition 👋
Js-sdsl is a Javascript Standard Data Structure Library.
- High performance, surpassing all known libraries.
- Simple and lightweight (~9kB compressed)
- Without any external dependencies
- Implemented C++ STL bidirectional iterator
Included data structures
- Stack - first in first out stack.
- Queue - first in last out queue.
- PriorityQueue - heap-implemented priority queue.
- Vector - protected array, cannot to operate properties like `length` directly.
- LinkList - linked list of non-contiguous memory addresses.
- Deque - double-ended-queue, O(1) time complexity to `unshift` or getting elements by index.
- OrderedSet - sorted set which implemented by red black tree.
- OrderedMap - sorted map which implemented by red black tree.
- HashSet - refer to the polyfill of ES6 Set.
- HashMap - refer to the polyfill of ES6 Map.
Our team