Open Collective
Open Collective

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Support us with a $5 monthly donation and help us continue our work! You'll appear on the GitHub main project page in the "backers" section.

Starts at
$5 USD / month

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+ 4
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Community Sponsor

Become a Community Sponsor and get visibility on the GitHub main project and a thank you tweet. Only for organisations under 20 employees.

$20 USD / month

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Bronze Sponsor

Become a Bronze Sponsor and get visibility on the front page and on the GitHub main project and a thank you tweet.

Starts at
$100 USD / month

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+ 8
Recurring contribution
Silver Sponsor


Become a Silver Sponsor and get visibility on the front page and on the GitHub main project, a thank you tweet, a mention on the Newsletter, possib... Read more

Starts at
$500 USD / month

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Golden Sponsor


Become a Silver Sponsor and get visibility on the front page and on the GitHub main project, a thank you tweet, a mention on the Newsletter, a Swag... Read more

Starts at
$1,000 USD / month

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+ 39
Past event
08:00 AM-06:00 PM UTC
The JSON Schema Conference is a technical conference organized by the JSON Schema Community.

Attended by

Past event
08:00 AM UTC
apidays Paris beckons pioneers, thinkers, and industry stalwarts to come together, envision, and ...Read more

Attended by

No attendees
Past event
04:00 PM UTC
The API specification conference of the year

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Past event
08:00 AM UTC
Three JSON Schema talks and an open discussion at API Specifications Conference 2021

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Past event
06:00 PM-08:00 PM UTC
Two JSON Schema talks at the ASC 2019 conference

Attended by

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