JSON Schema at ASC 2022
The API specification conference of the year
Monday, September 19, 2022, 9:00 AM - Wednesday, September 21, 2022, 5:00 PM (UTC-07:00)
Created by: JSON Schema
Fiscal Host: Open Source Collective

OpenAPI Initiative’s API Specifications Conference (ASC) is a place for API practitioners and enthusiasts to come together and discuss the evolution of API technologies. ASC includes cutting-edge technology keynotes and sessions that chart the future of APIs with in-depth specification and standards discussions. The event is designed to be highly interactive with plenty of discussion time throughout the workshops and sessions.
The OpenAPI Specification, RAML, Blueprint, gRPC, OData, JSON Schema, GraphQL, AsyncAPI, and other formats will all be topics at the event, enabling attendees to get familiar with these formats and discuss how to use them in practice.
Ben Hutton will be atending and is giving one talk and running one open discussion.
There are a numer of talks which focus on the utility of OpenAPI mostly in relation to the payload specification... aka JSON Schema.
Agenda with mentions of schema: https://asc2022api.sched.com/?searchstring=schema&iframe=no&w=&sidebar=&bg=
More details: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/openapi-asc/
South San Francisco Conference Center