Katharos Technology
We work to create pure video games and other content to the glory of God

Katharos Technology is all of us
Our contributors 3
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Katharos Technology is a team that wants to make video games and other content and technology to the glory of God. Everything that we make will be something that we believe our God and Father would approve of.
We are a passionate group of people who have a real desire to provide content for the gamer, that isn't targeted at making the most money, but at providing the most value possible. We have grown tired, not only of all of the inappropriate content in today's games, but also of the fact that there are less and less games that are made just to be fun. We want to give customers all of the things that we have spent years asking, in vain, for other people to provide. We want to show our values in our games and bring glory to our God who enables us to do all that we do and to whom we owe everything.
Our passion does not extend only to video games, however. We love to make things awesome, and we have years of experience doing just that through Digital Transformation. We utilize tools and employ strategies to get the most "awesome" with the least amount of manual effort. Our goal is to give people more leverage to achieve their dreams for their own businesses.
Katharos is the Greek word for "Pure", or "Genuine" and at Katharos Technology we strive for pure innovation. We want our games to be free of inappropriate content, and we want our products and solutions to be genuinely helpful and be a great experience for the user. The world of computers and Open Source software allows everyday people to accomplish amazing things and we want to use these tools to create new tools and solutions that will empower others to accomplish their own goals.
Making software is difficult and making a video game is one of the most complex software undertakings that there is. There are many different facets both artistic and technical and they must all be brought together into a cohesive unit. Our ultimate goal is to bring God glory; if this is not accomplished, then there is no purpose for Katharos Technology to exist. If it is His will for Katharos Technology to continue, then He can and will provide us what we need.
Open Collective is a place where you can help fund our efforts to develop pure games and technology. You can sponsor all of our efforts by donating to this collective, or you can sponsor a specific project such as Arsenal.
Let God get the credit for all we accomplish and let His will be done through us. Praise the Lord!