Open Collective
Open Collective

Kingston Emergency Food Collaborative

KEFC seeks to achieve food justice and build food sovereignty through our work in four main areas: Direct Service (providing food to our neighbors), Education & Outreach, Production & Procurement, and Systems Change.


Kingston Emergency Food Collaborative is all of us

Our contributors 101

Thank you for supporting Kingston Emergency Food Collaborative.

Troy Ellen Dixon


$200 USD

NoVo Foundation

$400,000 USD

KEFC Employme...

$30,959 USD

Radio Kingston

$26,413 USD

Community Fou...

$5,000 USD

neall burger


$1,300 USD


KEFC Summer Fundraiser

$1,000 USD


KEFC Winter Fundraiser

$1,000 USD


$1,000 USD


$500 USD


Transparent and open finances.

Fund Disbursement (2)

Divested (fund disbursement)
from Mission Edge to Kingston Emergency Food Collaborative
-$7,851.52 USD
-$10,148.48 USD

Fund Disbursement (1)

Divested (fund disbursement)
from Mission Edge to Kingston Emergency Food Collaborative
-$110,550.10 USD
Today’s balance

--.-- USD

Total raised

$439,395.96 USD

Total disbursed

$439,395.96 USD

Estimated annual budget

$1,000.00 USD


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Kingston Emergency Food Collaborative

Updates on our activities and progress.

KEFC 2023 Year-End Update

Contribute to Kingston Emergency Food Collaborative to see this Update
Published on December 21, 2023 by Troy Ellen Dixon

KEFC News & Notes: Fall 2023

KEFC had an excellent spring and summer thanks to the generosity of so many in our community who support our work in a variety of ways. Groceries When the collaboration with a long-time grocery partner ende...
Read more
Published on October 11, 2023 by Troy Ellen Dixon

KEFC 2022 Year-End Update (+ A Bit About Our History)

What did you accomplish during 2022? How did you use money? Through a supplemental grant to Radio Kingston (a non-profit, non-commercial platform) from the NoVo Foundation, administered through the Radio Kingston Community...
Read more
Published on December 18, 2022 by Troy Ellen Dixon


In March 2020, the Kingston Emergency Food Collaborative (KEFC) was formed by a network of individuals and organizations working toward a common goal of feeding people in our community during a time of crisis. Since its inception, KEFC has grown its vision and mission to include both providing  immediate service to our community as well as addressing and dismantling the root causes of food insecurity through education and advocacy.

KEFC is a non-hierarchical grassroots coalition of many groups: direct service providers, not-for-profits, activists, and community members. The collaborative believes that unequal access to healthy food within Ulster County demands the attention of all members of the community and should be urgently addressed through direct service and systemic change. While there are many organizations doing emergency food relief work in Kingston and Ulster County, KEFC was formed as an emergency response to help these organizations work collaboratively to address food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic. KEFC continues to evolve to address larger food system issues in addition to the direct service work.

KEFC envisions a Kingston community where all members have open access to food and personal agency in the food system.
  • Everyone has an abundance of the food they want to eat
  • Community voices are heard and supported to inform the decisions made and the actions taken
  • Food is procured from producers and distributors that reflect KEFC values around racial justice, equity, and food sovereignty
  • Decisions around policies and operations are being made at every level of the producer and distributor supply chain
  • Organizations and individuals in this space work together in community to eradicate all barriers to food security including, but not limited to, economic disparity, physical and mental health issues, lack of transportation, and housing instability